Eggshells for your Nontoxic Garden

Eggshells for your Nontoxic Garden

Eggshells are a wonderful source of calcium, one of the essential nutrients your garden soil needs. What does calcium do for your garden? increases the ability of the plants to build healthy cells walls  increases the soil’s aeration improves the soil’s drainage reduces the acidity of the soil’s pH Instead of tossing your eggshells while…

Nontoxic Banana Peel Fertilizer

Nontoxic Banana Peel Fertilizer

Did you know that you can use your banana peels to treat your garden to the nutrients it deserves and desperately needs?!  Yep. Banana peels contain 42% potassium, one of the top three macronutrients that most plants need. Nitrogen and phosphorous are the other two important macronutrients. Banana peels don’t contain any nitrogen though, so…