
Ear Infections

We use essential oils for ear infections in our home. Here’s what has worked really well for us:

🌱Melrose + Purification EO Blends

We rub one drop of each around the outside of the ear and down the Eustachian tube along the neck and into the ear only as far as the finger will fit (like you see in the reel). Never drop oil directly into the ear. We do this every hour or two throughout the day and have never had to do it more than a couple days before it’s gone, though it’s usually gone in a day for us!

🌱 Thieves EO Blend

We rub a drop on the bottom of feet several times a day when fighting things like ear infections.

🌱Lavender EO

We drop this into some Epsom salts and take a relaxing detox bath. Detox baths are something we do when fighting off anything. The lavender helps the body fight the crud and is also very calming, making it easier to get the rest needed when fighting anything.

Note: some friends of ours put Lavender on a cotton ball with the Melrose/Purification then rub around the ear, down the eustachian tube, and place the cotton ball in the ear for about an hour. They do that every few hours until gone.

💧Water + Nutrition

We make sure we are drinking lots of water to help flush our systems and get the hydration our body needs when fighting off stuff.

We also make sure to cut down sugar and processed foods…we do this in general, but we are extra cautious to these things when fighting sickness.

🛒Don’t have the oils I mentioned above but want them? I created a bundle you can get here to make it super simple for you. When you purchase all four oils in the bundle, you’ll get free shipping and 24% off the retail price.


The above information is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be substituted for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. The information on our website is not intended to cure, diagnose or treat medical conditions, nor is it a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with a physician before beginning this or any other new health care program. The views expressed on Root + Gather have not been evaluated or endorsed by the FDA or any other private or public entity. The information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. Root + Gather is an independent, privately run business separate from any other organization.

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